Bill Tarran


 MusicFest ’17 & ’18

Bill Tarran’s musical influences were based upon his introduction to music from playing a variety of instruments in a succession of brass bands. At 15 he found that guitar had far more street creditability than a euphonium but didn’t get the RSM Certificates. So began a journey that has lasted quite a long time. Living in Cambridge while at college introduced him to a wide variety of singers, players, songwriters and performers all of who left an impression which both coloured his repertoire for 8 years when work, career and family truncated performing.

A change of circumstance in 2011 and a chance encounter led to a return to playing and singing live. Since then he has become a regular on the local musical stage, with a huge repertoire of songs from they heyday of the UK acoustic scene. Principal musical influences are from the 1970’s – Colin Scot, Allan Taylor, Ian Matthews, James Taylor, Dave Peabody Mike Rodgerson-Smith and Ray Glynn – all of whom have (or had) a different perspective and approach. Recently players like Dave Sutherland also have brought Americana to his songs.

However the classics from the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s are just as likely in his set as are songs from obscure writers long since forgotten.

Currently appearing as Host and M/C of the Acoustic Club Stortford, where he co runs the Club that strives to provide the opportunity for players both young and old in a friendly and professional setting.